


Emergency management is the biggest portfolio in ADRA South Sudan as the country has been through a long phase of protracted conflict and a number of other natural and man-made disasters. The sector focuses on establishing and strengthening an emergency management unit to prepare and respond to emergencies using best practices and international standards. Community managed Disaster Risk Reduction is a key activity to prepare and mitigate the effects of hazards. Coordination is a key strategy for emergency preparedness and response. The sector focuses on ADRA SS generating her own funds to address emergencies when and where they occur in the country.


The approach in the Emergency Management Sector is to enhance preparedness and response, coordinate and generate funds for timely and effective coordinated response. This is to ensure that communities in South Sudan are resilient to multiple shocks healthy and are able to recover from disasters

Strategic Priorities

  1. Create and recruit Emergency and Protection Program Manager to lead the Emergency Management portfolio.
  2. Establish community managed disaster risk reduction (CMDRR) committees in all operational areas.
  3. Strengthen coordination and partnership for emergency response with other stakeholders.
  4. Establish own generated fund at ADRA South Sudan for initial emergency response.


486,006 Lives

Beneficiaries reached – 486,006 between 2018 – 2021.