Garlic Farming in Maiwut

Maiwut county in the upper Nile region of South Sudan is located at the very border of Ethiopia and South Sudan. This area like many others has been affected by the South Sudanese struggle which has left this area underdeveloped and relying on goods from across the border in Ethiopia. For some, they have been relying on food from humanitarian organizations since they have not been practicing agriculture.

The area is hot and humid and during the rainy season, it also floods, however it is a promising location for agriculture using smart techniques and choosing the best season to plant. Due to this, ADRA has introduced Garlic farming by doing a demonstration garden where they are teaching willing individuals who would like to better their lives through agriculture.

Garlic takes very few months to grow and also would reap enough income which would improve the livelihoods of Maiwut. Several people have picked an interest in this rare type of farming since they have never heard of or seen garlic grow anywhere in South Sudan. As a pilot project, it comes with many challenges but the people are willing to learn through the process with seeds that have been provided by ADRA.

The future looks very promising for the people of Maiwut and they are looking forward to the day when they will be food secure and stop relying on imported goods.